Howard Goldberg

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Howard Goldberg was appointed to COO in July 2019 and was hired as VP of Business Development in May 2018. In his COO role, Howard ensures all aspects of HQ and SMIC operations, accounting, finance, compliance, and Human Resource functions achieve the goals and objectives of CESMII. The COO has four major areas of responsibility:

  1. Membership Operations
  2. Institute Business & Operations
  3. Institute Compliance and Contracts
  4. Smart Manufacturing Innovation Centers (SMICs), which are visible, credible, high-value regional ‘lighthouse extensions’ of CESMII.

Howard brings over 20 years of leadership experience in successfully growing the Business and Operations of leading-edge sensor-solutions companies. Howard was most recently the Executive Vice President of Operations for Pressure Profile Systems, a developer of tactile sensors that enable the “sense of touch” for electronic products, where he drove the launch of the most complex product in the history of the company and achieved a 14% increase in record shipment revenues. Additionally, Howard was the former President and COO of Interlink Electronics (NASDAQ: LINK) a globally recognized manufacturer of human-machine interface sensors, where he achieved a 36% increase in revenues. Howard presents an extensive portfolio of successfully introducing both product and supply chain solutions to a broad spectrum of industries: microelectronics and sensors, wearables and IoT, consumer electronics, medical devices and digital healthcare, automotive, industrial control, energy, aerospace, and defense.

Howard holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), a B.S.E.E. from Lehigh University and an Executive Management Certification from Rice University. Additionally, he is an inventor on 10 issued patents related to sensor/actuator design and fabrication.